Page name: The Fuck Page [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-06-01 03:16:01
Last author: Yanaba
Owner: Yanaba
# of watchers: 9
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sorry......can't cyber here anymore........any cybering that occurs here will be deleted. If you want to cyber that's your own business, just can't do it here. again sorry for any inconvenience.

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[Animal*Girl]: yeah

[Aleka]: or none...

[:Alkor:]: (360) 736-7996 <--Phone number. Somhow, im in a good mood to give away my damn number XD.

[Aleka]: lol... umm happy b-day... but i told you i'm not calling... but thanks anyway

[Aleka]: maybe some other time

[:Alkor:]: I KNOW THAT

[Aleka]: lol... what you want some stalkers??

[:Alkor:]: SURE. why not. make my day better..LOL

[Aleka]: lol... whatever works for you anthony

[:Alkor:]: Your just jealus cause you wish you was like me. XD

[Aleka]: ....yes... jealous.... me.... huh huh huh..... 8P

[:Alkor:]: LOL

[Aleka]: ;P

[:Alkor:]: *kisses*

[Aleka]: ewww... you kissed me!! COODIESS  HELP!!!!!!!!  ;P

[:Alkor:]: FINE *walks away*

[Aleka]: .... some people can't take a joke

[:Alkor:]: lol.. i can

[Aleka]: ...8P... i was joking... who says coodies and means it past age 14?

[:Alkor:]: I dunno. You did

[Aleka]: but i didn't mean it!! are you following?

[:Alkor:]: no and i wish not to. *walks to his littleroom and falls on bed*

[Aleka]: ....okay... its not that complicated but umm.. nvm... so how are you?

[:Alkor:]: *ywlls* SHITTY. You>

[Aleka]: really?? thats to bad... i am sad but sadness will end in the end...

[:Alkor:]: *yawwns and lays on bed*

[Aleka]: i'm not gonna flirt with you today... so stop that

[:Alkor:]: What are you talking about? we wernt flirting to begin with. You think were gonna have "Cyber-Sex"? ever occure to you that im TIRED????????

[Aleka]: lol... haha.. i made you mad.. god calm down... its a little to easy to piss you off

[:Alkor:]: *sighs* im alrdy pissed off b4 we started talking

[Aleka]: oh that explains it... sorry... i just wanted to get into a playful fight but every time you took it too literally

[:Alkor:]: I dont take it literally. i would happy sometimes when some playfully argues

[Aleka]: oh..just not right now? i mean its hard to argue playfully if your already angry

[:Alkor:]: I know and thats why ihate being pissed and in shitty mood. GOD. WHy cannt i just die and make people happy.

[Aleka]: ...death would not make me happy! who would there be to argue or flirt with if your not here?? everyone has bad moods get over em and come have a good time k

[:Alkor:]: oooooooooook

[Aleka]: 8P

[:Alkor:]: :\

[Aleka]: whts that smiley all about?

[:Alkor:]: not smiling. thas the best i can do

[Aleka]: ...oh... thats no good

[:Alkor:]: k

[Aleka]: ....*sighs*

[Alkor]: ?

[Aleka]: and your many names... i'm off to bed nice talking to you anthony

[Alkor]: WHat did i do? You dont have to leave mary. GOD. People hate me know.

[Shadow Reaper]: hmm? i don't think it's that

[Alkor]: Then why do you wanna leave? Obbviusly you hate talking to me it looks like. Just cause im in a bad mood?

[Aleka]: yeah... anthony i'm going to bed.... i'm tired its not you at all

[Alkor]: Fine w/e. Noone is talking to me but you and looks like im all-lone know. Thnks.

[Shadow Reaper]: i'm still here

[Aleka]: god self centered aren't you! i stay to make sure your alright and look at this... fine feel sorry for your self nothing i can do about it.. .i'm going to bed

[Alkor]: Screw this. Im outta here. DOnt bother running to me and want me back.

[Yanaba]: oooooooooookay.....yeah, that was awkward

[Shadow Reaper]: i tried to stay out of it....

[Yanaba]: yeah...that seems to be the best thing in situations like this.

[Shadow Reaper]: *nods* definitely...

[Yanaba]: see, i think the problem is that this thing sux at expressing the tone of voice. i can see how tony can take what mary, or anyone for that matter, too seriously. I've learned to read between the lines though

[Shadow Reaper]: yeah, that's the same with me

[Yanaba]: eh...well,, what's up w/ u?

[Shadow Reaper]: hmm, not too much...-__-; been horny the whole day though, with no relief

[Yanaba]: aw.....that sux :)

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs slightly* well, suck is something i'd like done to me ^__^

[Aleka]: LOL.... hope someone entertained him!

[Cherub]: looked erm different that talk :S *hides from scarey people*

[Aleka]: ... i did not follow that comment at all....

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 neither did i....and no, i got no entertainment that night -_-

[Not Here!]: I took off EAV Kitty's room because I do not have time to play any more. Oh in case you haven't gested I changed my name.

[Aleka]: lol... i figured it out.. thats cool thanks for telling us... i'm sorry [Shadow Reaper] that must have been horrible...

[Yanaba]: hey sorri i had to leave what's up?

[Aleka]: ...sure you are berni...

[Yanaba]: 0:)

[Shadow Reaper]: lol...yeah, it was a little bad for me

[Aleka]: berni!! you abused poor shadow reaper!

[Shadow Reaper]: lol i wouldn't quite call it that :P

[Aleka]: ....well... ummm... i don't know what to call it....

[Shadow Reaper]: :P neither do i

[Aleka]: the let us call it ... abuse... b/c its all i can think of... i'd say sexual abuse but i think thats a little off... its the lack of sexual anything....hmmm... i think i'm done my head hurts... i'm still typing.....ummm

[Shadow Reaper]: lol might wanna take some tylenol than or something

[Yanaba]: hey hey hey....not my fault...i'm sorry if i caused any sexual-lack-of-anything, but it was like ten, i wanted to go to sleep, and my parents were near by anyway, so it just wasn't the ideal moment....again, i am soooo sorry. but, yeah.....anyways how is everyone??

[Yanaba]: my room is open for the moment though........i think........hmmmm

[Shadow Reaper]: *smiles* don't worry about it, it was getting late for me too, plus i had to get to bed to get up early for class....but i've been doing good, and you?

[Yanaba]: eh....good and and on, but right now good! *smiles back*

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, that's good to hear ^^

[Yanaba]: yeah.....:)

[Shadow Reaper]: *stretches out on a couch* hmm, i've most been relaxing...being horny off and on :P

[Yanaba]: hehe....:)

[Yanaba]: *sits on couch w/ u*

[Shadow Reaper]: *smiles* comfortable? i like my couches big and deep

[Yanaba]: *laughs* hehe u said big and deep! hehe

[Yanaba]: sorri....i'm a bit childish

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs and grins* yeah, i know...and i don't mind, i say things like that myself ^^

[Yanaba]: but, yes, cooshy couches are nice

[Shadow Reaper]: heheh, that brings a few thoughts to mind...>> =^^=

[Yanaba]: oh really????O.o

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs**blushes a bit* erm...i was thinking of cooshy asses.....

[Aleka]: .thats all i'll leave you two alone...

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 =^^=

[Yanaba]: lol....cooshy asses....hmmmm

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, yeah...^^

[Yanaba]: so....what about cooshy asses??? hmmm..........

[Shadow Reaper]: ummm....heh ^^; well...*grins slightly* it would be nice to have one in my hands....erm...*blushes a bit* and i'm the kind of guy that likes anal..........

[Yanaba]: i'm not really sure my ass is "cooshy" but....*sits on ur lap*

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs slightly* hmm, it's cooshy enough

[Yanaba]: :)

[Shadow Reaper]: *grins a little and gives your ass a little pinch* and just to warn you, i'm with my sexuality

[Yanaba]: what do u mean???

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs* well....i tend to be a little kinky sometimes...^^;

[Yanaba]: *raises eyebrows* how kinky??? i'm a bit inexperienced in "kinky" i have to admit...but i'm curious

[Shadow Reaper]:'s mostly just with rope and handcuffs and whip cream and such

[Yanaba]: ooh whiped cream....yummy!

[Shadow Reaper]: lol yep, with cherries...or maybe strawberries ^^

[Yanaba]: ok now i'm hungry

[Yanaba]: lol

[Yanaba]: oh shit, i gotta go...sorry if i left u in another pickle, but i'll be on tomorrow! :)

[Shadow Reaper]: *smiles* don't worry, you haven't...but i'll be on tomorrow as well ^_^

[Yanaba]: ok ttyl!

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, yep, later ^^

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 hi ^^

[Wolf Of Love and lust]: *sleeps on a rafter*

[¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]: is anyone on today? Im sooooo horny

[hot_playa911]: any girls wanna cyber

[Aleka]: lol... everyone is horny... damn... their all forever searching for a screw... ;P... i wonder who will provide them with it

[Aleka]: hmmm... [hot_playa911] your only 13.... we have a policy and the day you turn 14 we'll be thrilled to help you out... but until that day comes we can't cyber with you... sorry...

[Yanaba]: aw...poor guy (i'm assuming it's a guy cuz i'm too lazy to look so i'm sorry if your not just sub the other word if so)...but yeah we have a policy. It's a maternal instinct i guess. we all know ppl around that age that we wouldn't want doing this cuz they're like either really related or like they are to us so yeah. um...u might wanna try the cyber shack or various other adult wikis that will allow younger ppl to cyber :)

[Aleka]: there are wikis that allow younger people than we do to cyber!! thats disgusting!

[Alkor]: SICK frekas out there.

[Aleka]: yes yes there are

[Alkor]: yup

[theblade]: happy v day everyone

[Aleka]: 8D HAPPY V-day to you!! *hugs and kisses*

[Alkor]: *walks to the other side of the room and sits in his bean bag chari*

[Aleka]: *runs over to anthony and gives him a kiss on the cheek*

[Alkor]: *kisses back and hugs*

[Aleka]: ;D

[Alkor]: im pissed just let yall know that and thats why im sititing way over here with Mary. lol.. XD

[Aleka]: your always mad about something.... or your depressed... why can't you be happy? ecstatic!!! for me?

[Alkor]: I do be happy but people at school pushed the line over the limit and pissed me off.

[Aleka]: ....what did the assholes do?

[Alkor]: well, when i got kicked outta class, i had a binder with ICP, twiztid and all them written all over it cause im a juggalo and noone will change that and on the back of it it said CLOWN LOVE so when i got kicked out, they got my binder and it said CLOWN'S LOV MEN. they put G S A ICP IS GAY MAN in my CD case ont he plastic thingy where my ICP cd was

[Aleka]: .....people can be such fuckers... i'm sorry =(

[Alkor]: I know. just cause they think "F"eminem is the shiots and true gangsta dont mean they can dis on ICP, its my opinon on that and all but why they have to mark on my stuff is whti dont get. im gonna beat his ass 2morow though. but anywho...................................

[Aleka]: ...violence is never the answer my friend...

[Yanaba]: that sux...i believe that ppl are intitled to their own opinions therefore everyone should be given the right to listen to whatever style music they want w/ out ppl criticizing them

[Aleka]: as do i... i mean look at my playlist... true i really don't listen to a good 3/4 of it but its still there

[Alkor]: Yea but you people dont talk crap about them. or my opinons therefore. you shall be my friend XD

[Yanaba]: i had an experience where some asshole made fun of my musical tastes or just my basic opinions on life...i hate him...damn jackass sk8r boi to hell!!!!

[Alkor]: its shackass..not jackass hun LOL

[Yanaba]: shackass??? nver heard of that..hmm..different! :)

[Alkor]: yea. better then jackass which you hear people say that all the time. confusse them with SHackass. they will look atyou like What The Hell Are You Talking About

[Aleka]: ...and then you smack them in the nose... making them bleed!! miuhhahaha!! wait... no violence.. bad mary

[Yanaba]: lol

[Alkor]: BAD MARY BAD. *smakcsyour ass* bad you.

[Aleka]: .... i've been ass smacked!! *turns and grabs anthony's ass*

[Alkor]: *grabs your boob* beware*

[Aleka]: ....eek! *pokes you in the bellly*

[Alkor]: *pokes your hip* XD

[Aleka]: *kicks your shin*

[Alkor]: *kisses and giggles*

[Aleka]: *snuggles*

[Alkor]: awww *snuggles back and sits on ground*

[Aleka]: *sits on anthony's lap*

[Alkor]: aww *wraps arms around you and cuddles*

[Aleka]: *snuggles back*

[Alkor]: *kisses and giggles*

[Yanaba]: maybe we should call this the snuggle

[Alkor]: MY MARY *hugs tight*

[Aleka]: *huggles anthony*

[Alkor]: awww so sweet

[Aleka]: 8D your sweet

[Alkor]: your sweeter XD

[Aleka]: you taste like candy!! *licks anthony*

[Alkor]: *blushes and covers face*

[Aleka]: mmm mmmm good ;)

[Alkor]: *turns redder. giggles and holds hand to face*

[Aleka]: like a peice of chocolate so sweet ... and what an aphrodisiac

[Alkor]: *pulls you close and kisses*

[Aleka]: *pulls away and sticks my tongue out at you*

[Alkor]: *laughs and pokes your tongue*..*giggles*

[Aleka]: *pokes your nose*

[Alkor]: ECK

[Aleka]: hhaha

[Alkor]: *cuddle*

[Aleka]: *snuggle* night!

[Alkor]: Night babe

[Aleka]: its morning and its snowing and i'm sick as hell!

[Alkor]: OMFG *big hug and wraps you in a warm blankey*

[Aleka]: oh blanky!! i am actually cold.. i can't believe i got up and dressed and went to school for a little bit b/c i felt so shitty this morning i should have stayed in bed

[Alkor]: awwww *cuffles* I feel sorry for you Mary *tear*

[Aleka]: i will survive!! give me a day or so... and a bath or two... speaking of baths... i think i might go take one right now... ttyl

[Alkor]: *laughs* LOL..aighty

[Aleka]: 8D

[Alkor]: *kisses You and hides under blankey*

[Aleka]: what are you doing under there?

[Alkor]: Hiding from you XD My damn back is hurting again. Goddamm!t X(

[Aleka]: ...8( i'm sorry... do you have a heniated(sp?) disk? those suck ass especially if they start effecting the nerves around it

[Alkor]: I dont think i do. My back just starts to hurt once in awhile and it sucks X(

[Aleka]: then its posture... and your lower back muscles need to be strengthened... my family has back problems genetically so i know alot about it

[Alkor]: That really sucks

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